The metaverse is blasting off, and blockchain gaming is the rocket fuel
On June 11, 2023 by adminMass adoption is coming…
This is stimulation to the max, dopamine hits & escape to alternate (often undeniably cooler) realities.

It’s entertainment at the highest level, it will captivate the attention of the masses. People will live in metaverses, they will consume in metaverses. Economies will boom in metaverses, businesses will thrive in metaverses.
Blockchain gaming makes it all closer than you think

Everyone loves playing games… Gaming is familiar, and it will expose people to this new reality faster than plain old cryptocurrencies ever could.
It will lead people to use the technologies that establish the foundation of the future, built on provable, verifiable chains of data.
Play-to-earn (P2E) gaming mixed with defi mechanics (Gamefi) will be the shiny incentive that lures in early adopters. People will be paid to play, use technologies, and grow the foundation of the whole ecosystem.

The in-game economies that are established will make the games REAL. It will make the metaverse worlds REAL. It will make the opportunity to earn massive money REAL.
The more that’s added — from social media hangouts to endless immersive VR experiences — the more REAL it all becomes.
Generational wealth creation: who’s GMI?
Late 70’s/Early 80’s: OG internet kids
People born from ’75 to ’85 may be best positioned to capitalize:

- They were the first kids to play video games at home and online, the first to interact with other people online, and even to sell things online. All of this done while their brains were still developing.
- They’re young enough to be capable of believing in what the digital world can become… but old enough to be established in life to help grow it.
- Their money and life experience put them in a prime position to take advantage.
While some from this age range will capitalize at the highest levels, a far greater percentage will miss out because they’re not in touch with the evolution of technology.
Late 80’s/Early 90’s: Handheld gaming pioneers
This group (now in their late 20’s / early 30’s) grew up with gaming and were playing from a very young age. Nintendo changed it all by bringing a fun and massively successful console (NES) into homes…
…but when Game Boy hit the scene in the early 90’s, parents had a handheld device that could occupy their children anywhere.

From infancy, these kids grew up in this reality, conditioned to play games and adventure in other worlds.
That wasn’t all… Online multiplayer gaming continued to boom. By the time they were teenagers, XBox Live exploded on the scene — now you could play games online without a computer.
They ate it up. This was the first generation to stay up all night gaming with (and connecting to) people across the world. P2E gaming and metaverses will make sense to them, and will be easily embraced.
Late 90’s/Early 00’s: Metaversed from birth
These kids’ brains were plugged into the metaverse before it even existed.

People born in the early 2000’s grew up with social media and smartphone technology. They have no chance to avoid what’s coming… they are 100% conditioned to go all in on the metaverse.
What I mean is, they’re going to have to be connected in order to stay relevant with their peers — because that’s where all their peers are going to be!
This group knows what’s going on in the evolution of tech. They don’t pay with cash, they use their phones for everything. They are the most connected generation in the history of mankind, and make the future dominance of these industries a virtual guarantee.
So how will it all shake out?
The evolution of blockchain technologies will lead to the greatest redistribution of wealth the world has ever seen.
The older population, who are most averse to this evolution, may have the most money… but they’re also closest to dying. Every day they get closer to that reality, and their influence on the world reduces.

Wealth will move from older to younger… Late adopters of any age will miss out on the largest gains in wealth and be the biggest losers over the next decade.

COVID accelerated the timeline on this… it further trained people to keep in touch, work, and play in the digital world. It showed us the success of “the metaverse” is basically a LOCK as long as no catastrophe destroys the human race before we get there.
Where attention goes, money flows.
The big question —

It’s already happening…
Take a look at social media (attention on steroids) —
Facebook rebranded to Meta because Zuckerberg sees the metaverse as “the future of the internet”.
Meanwhile in the gaming sector — Microsoft buys Activision (for $69B) to compete with Facebook in the metaverse.
Next, watch the flood as basically every brand in every industry that doesn’t want to become the next Blockbuster makes their way to the metaverse. The more built out it all becomes, the more attention will live there.
Blockchain gaming will bridge the real and digital worlds together. We humans love playing games and we love making money. Games make the migration to a new world of technology smoother and easier to comprehend. Gaming will be the foundation of “the metaverse”.
Best part? It’s still very early and opportunity is everywhere. Knowing where to look, who to trust, and how to win will be everything.